Carlo Viloria


Front End Development , Game Development , Software Development , Web Design , Digital Art , Photoshop


Languages and Frameworks: C, C++, Java, Javascript, Python, HTML, CSS

Toolsets/OS: MacOS, Ubuntu, Git/GitHub, Linux, Windows


University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

B.S., Computer Science (expected Spring, 2025)

2019 - Present

University of Hawai'i Honolulu Community College, Honolulu, HI

A.A.S., Liberal Arts

2016 - 2018


Student Athlete, UH Manoa League of Legends Team

Played for the UH League of Legends team

  • Played a pivotal role for the UH League of Legends team
  • Maintained, updated, and oversaw the UH LoL twitter page
  • Helped voice the importance and brought relevance of Esports to UHM

2020 - 2021

Help Desk Consultant, HCC Information Technology Services

Helped consult students with any IT problems, error handling

  • Troubleshoot software, hardware and networking issues over the phone
  • Answer phone and email responses to the ITS Help Desk

2016 - 2018


Available upon request