Artpage of a Yung Visionary

Carlo Viloria (cvilart_) on Instagram

This instagram project serves as a dedicated platform highlighting a collection of my artistic creations spanning several years. The primary objective of this page is to not only share my creations, but to hopefully establish connections with fellow creators, including graphic designers, concept artists, and individuals within the fine arts community, creating collaborative opportunities and engaging those intrigued by my artistic vision. The majority of my creations draw inspiration from the realm of video games, where I offer my unique interpretation of characters through diverse media forms. Of all themes, the one theme that I would say I’m most invested in is fantasy as you could build an entire world with the most surreal ideas. This came from a gaming background when I used to play World of Warcraft. The factions, world building, and character design inspired me to create my own.

While this page is under development, I aspire to extend its scope to encompass graphic design, producing assets that can be utilized by other designers for various purposes, such as website development, game development, etc,. That is the more challenging part of this project, it’s seeing where it could take me and how I could apply my knowledge gained from my artistic background into other forms of media. I was always hesitant in sharing my artwork through social media as I was always sensitive to criticism but I learned from many instructors that criticism is what makes me better, and that artwork is put to waste if not shared for the world to see. So that is something new, which is how to make my artwork more marketable as I’ve never thought of distributing my art for a price, and determining how much it would be worth. For now, it is usually just for show.

Overall, this project taught me how to expand my creative/artistic skills and how to market my creations through social media. This project also taught me how to use Photoshop for editing purposes if needed which is a really important skill for me to learn if I want to get into web development and creating assets. In the future when I delve more into graphic design and front end development, hopefully I can use those skills to help others vision become a reality through my expertise.