Painting the Web

14 Feb 2024
Bootstrap5 Image

My Introduction to UI Frameworks

   When first learning HTML and CSS, the professor joked about how the sites looked like they were from the early 2000s and even in the late 1990s, which he was not kidding about. It looked very rudimentary when we first started dipping out toes in it. When we had to create a site on our own for the practice WOD and share it to the class about the history of surfing and famous surfers, there were not any modern elements to it that is very appealing to todays standards. That is when we started learning about UI Frameworks, mainly Bootstrap5, and it completely added more eye candy and flair to the websites we create.

Learning Bootstrap5

   Bootstrap5 was a huge transition in terms of appeal on the website you create. When doing the practice WOD on island snow, it was amazing seeing how we can rebuild sites we see today with Bootstrap5, something that we were not able to do with regular HTML and CSS alone. It was like having more colors on your artistic palette, more mediums, or an abundant of elements that were available to you. Though all of it sounds promising, like any other programming language, there were struggles learning it at first but overtime it became easier and easier the more I practiced and studied the content. Since we are going into the realm of UI frameworks I wonder what other add ons we may have, which is very exciting.

Why you should use Bootstrap5

   After creating our initial site without Bootstrap5 or any type of UI framework, I realized that it felt too limited on what we could do, and our site looked like history as well. The reason why you should use Bootstrap5 is that you are able to customize designs and make your site feel modernized which mentioned before compares to the popular sites we see today. It is a great introduction on UI Frameworks mainly for what it offers in terms of its accessibility, entry level application, interactions, etc., just to name a few. I feel that as someone who aspires to find a job in front-end development, Bootstrap5 is a crucial framework to learn for starters who want to explore their creativity and artistic side when designing websites.


   In conclusion, my introduction to UI frameworks, particularly Bootstrap5, marked a significant shift in my web development journey, elevating the visual appeal and functionality of my projects. The transition from basic HTML and CSS to the dynamic world of Bootstrap5 not only expanded my creative palette but also addressed the limitations of creating websites without a framework. Learning Bootstrap5, despite initial challenges, is important for anyone aspiring to delve into front-end-development, offering customization capabilities, modernization options, and easy integration of interactive elements. As I reflect on this transformative experience, I am excited to explore additional add-ons and features within UI frameworks that will help me grow as a web developer. Overall, Bootstrap5 has not just been a tool but a gateway to unlocking creativity and designing contemporary, visually compelling websites.